If we were you, we would go there! Nestled at an altitude of 1 meters, the Plateau de Cenise offers you breathtaking landscapes and panoramas. On one side, the forests of the Rochers de Leschaux, on the other the sumptuous cliffs of the Bargy chain.

A spot not to be missed

In winter, the plateau becomes a playground for hikers on skis or snowshoes. Access is worth a little, it takes 1h30 to 2 hours of climb to discover this immense plateau.

Make way for gentle and wild walks

In summer, we give way to gentle and wild walks in the middle of the cows which feast on these large gourmet meadows. Good news, access is easier than in winter. From the Frachets car park, you will already be amazed by the beauty of Le Bargy.

Randonnée au plateau de Cenise, Mont-Saxonnex, été
Credits Cluses Arve & mountains Tourism

The little extra? After a few minutes of walking, you can taste the sumptuous potato fritters at the Refuge de Cenise. A true delight !

A sensitive natural space

Open your eyes, in this sensitive natural space, also classified Natura 2000, hide protected species such as black grouse (birds) or bearded vultures (great vulture). Let's keep this little corner of paradise by leaving as few traces as possible of your passage!

Gypaète barbu, vautour protégé, Espace naturel sensible, Natura 2000, Asters
Credits Ian Dub